| 1. | All the john does we found out here are empty 这里所有的尸体都是空的
| 2. | He ain ' t been here a week , got himself a john doe 他一个星期没上班了一来就抓了个无名氏来
| 3. | E . g . who is that john doe standing next to the billionaire 站在那个亿万富翁旁的普通男人是谁?
| 4. | There ' s a gap between john doe and henri bisonnette 无名氏和亨利比斯耐特这两个案子相隔了很多年
| 5. | There ' s a gap between john doe and henri bisonnette . . 无名氏和亨利?比斯耐特这两个案子相隔了很多年. .
| 6. | The car alarm went off as john doe was trying to steal the car 当某人试著偷那台车时,汽车警报器响起了。
| 7. | The john does were being delivered to the university for medical research 这些尸体是被运去大学做医学研究的
| 8. | His first victim , john doe 第一个受害者是个无名氏
| 9. | John does didn ' t pan out , but you ' ll never guess who ' s in the meat locker 还没查出无名尸是谁猜猜这里还躺着谁
| 10. | June 9th - jk places a " john doe " injunction on half - blood prince 6月8日- 《哈利?波特与混血王子》打破网购预定记录。